Comparative Table Creator

Unlock the Power of Real-Time Comparative Insights

For the first time ever you can quickly and easily compare the safety/quality data of any medical devices, products, and brands side-by-side

Customize Your Analysis with Ease

Simply enter brand names from any manufacturer. Refine your search by company, product code, or GMDN to tailor your results precisely to your needs

Access Comprehensive Safety Records Globally

Leverage real-time safety records from the US FDA, Australia TGA, and Health Canada. Basil offers comprehensive global insights, ensuring you have the most complete data at your fingertips

Seamless Collaboration and Reporting Tools

Effortlessly save, export, and share entire datasets or curated data tables. Enhance team collaboration, simplify longitudinal analysis, and streamline reporting with user-friendly tools

Unlock the Power of Real-Time Comparative Insights

Comp Tables, Details & Safety Signals

  • Streamline Compliance:

    Specifically tailored for EU-MDR/IVDR CER/PSUR reporting requirements.

  • Instant Data Updates:

    Access real-time data with tables that automatically refresh with each change

  • Unique Comparative Safety Reports:

    The only tool offering multi-geography safety comparisons

  • Integrated Market Intelligence:

    Seamlessly connected to our Post-market Intelligence module for strategic insights.

Transform Your MedTech and Pharma Operations with AI-Powered Insights