
Accelerating time to clearance and approvals – With unparalleled regulatory insights and analytics

The Basil Regulatory module sets a new industry standard for search and discovery – when data-mining the regulatory landscape to shape product development strategies, optimize regulatory submissions and influence innovation with unprecedented speed.

Rich real-time data

How organizations are using Basil Regulatory

Regulatory strategy and discovery

Gain new insights across all related products and technologies.

Due diligence and competitive intelligence

Explore technology landscapes, trends and companies across the industry

Product planning and strategy

Discover untapped market opportunities, track competitive products and benchmark performance.

Unmatched capabilities

State-of-the-art big data architecture

US FDA, NIH, FOIA, Australian TGA, Health Canada & MedEffect, GMDN and more

Over 500,000 full clinical trial records

AI/ML-powered indexing, cross referencing and error correction

Updated and refreshed multiple times daily

Full-text natural language search

Across all records, files, documents and categories, at once

Explore applications, product codes, regulations, recalls, adverse events and more

Enables true exploration and discovery that was not previously possible

Unique, powerful features

World’s only visual interactive 510(k) predicate and reference navigator

Time-to-approval statistics for benchmarking

Instant quality trends to assess regulatory strategy risks

Basil Systems is simply revolutionary

“Basil Systems is simply revolutionary. They solved the long-standing problems with FDA data. We use it everyday for regulatory research and strategy.”

VP Regulatory

Fortune 500 medical device manufacturer

Transform Your MedTech and Pharma Operations with AI-Powered Insights